Hypertension poses
lethal threats to your life.

Cardiax alerts any cardiovascular risk in
real-time using the gold standard non-invasive
measurement – TEBCO.

Cardiax is certified by:  

Welcome to Cardiax

In just a few minutes, you can get critical cardiovascular data such as Cardiac Index, Stroke Index, and Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) wherever you are. The data we collected will accurately determine your heart health status and alert you when facing potential cardiovascular risks. Meanwhile, you can share your heart status to your private doctors and clinicians as a reference for your health profile.

Cardiax Insights
Knows How Well Your
Heart Work

Cardiax is a wearable smart cardiovascular analyzer that delivers personalized and actionable health insights. Based on your cardiovascular data, our team of experienced cardiologists and medical advisors. Get customized recommendations on drug prescriptions, supplements and exercise plans to reach your wellness goals.

Transforming Home Health

Cardiax brings NASA approved monitoring technologies to the comfort of your own home. Spend a few minutes before bed and each morning to keep track of your heart health status. Send your collected data to your private doctors or clinicians and let them help you meet your wellness goals.

In 1986, DR. Bo Sramek was employed by NASA as the Principal Investigator (PI) in the SBIR Program. The core technology of NCCOM3 would later be applied to the Cardiax device.

Protect IoT Device Inside

Cardiax runs on a cloud-based platform interlinked with related medical institutions through block chain and distributed file system. It is a highly secure and advanced application allowing in-depth analysis to your heart performance.

Knowledge Saves Lives

With Cardiax insights, protect yourself from potential danger. Unusually high or low heart rates and irregular heart rhythms could be signs of a serious condition. But many people don't recognize the symptoms, so the underlying causes often go undiagnosed. While you complete your daily activities, our 24/7 monitoring service keeps you notified of these irregularities so you can take action and consult your doctor. Keep track of your health and use that knowledge to live a longer, healthier and happier life.

Pairing Your Heart Performance
and Your Habits

We know our exercising and sleeping habits, but how do they correlate to our heart health? With Cardiax, you are able to see all the necessary data to help you understand your body. Get a personal routine created based on your heart health to achieve your health goals.

We Are All Working Together

Cardiax operates under a cloud-based community in which doctors, medical institutions are
inter-connected with information. With help from medical professionals, the data collected can be used to make our alert system more effective and health recommendations even more precise over time.

Cardiax Products are designed and
manufactured by Fortune 200 industrial designer
firm JABIL / Radius.

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